RCRSF 2024 Winners

Stuart McKelvie
April 7, 2024

Congratulations to all of the winners of the 2024 Renfrew County Regional Science and Technology Fair! Earth and Environmental Sciences Divisional Awards: Sponsor: The Town of Deep River, presented by Sue D’Eon, Mayor of Deep River   Grades 5 and 6: 1st Place: “Frost Weathering” by Lindsay Harrison (Valour School) 2nd Place: “Green To Gold…

Congratulations to all of the winners of the 2024 Renfrew County Regional Science and Technology Fair!

Earth and Environmental Sciences Divisional Awards:

Sponsor: The Town of Deep River, presented by Sue D’Eon, Mayor of Deep River


Grades 5 and 6:

1st Place: “Frost Weathering” by Lindsay Harrison (Valour School)

2nd Place: “Green To Gold – Exploring Fruit Ripening” by Ahnaf Sarker (Highview Elementary School)

3rd Place: “Bamboo Boom: Exploring Different Liquid Effects on Growth by Cecily Vaughan (St. Mary’s School)



1st Place: “Making my own bio-based plastics: Which is the strongest?” by Callie Dennis (Highview Elementary School)

2nd Place: “Real or not can we smell the difference Testing artificial smells from real ones” by Olivia McWhirter (Highview Elementary School)

3rd Place: “Unbeleafable Beans” by Lily Carmichael (Pine View Elementary School)



1st Place: “Green Sipping” by Elizabeth Johnson (Home School)


Engineering and Computer Science Divisional Awards:

Sponsor: The Petawawa Legion


Grades 5 and 6:

1st Place: “What Material Makes the Best Light Bulb Filament?” by Joshua Alexander (Valour School)

2nd Place: “The Dance of Electrons to Make Things Go” by Anna Phillion (Mackenzie Community School)

3rd Place: “Making An Electrical Paper Telegraph” by Sam Ha and Carson Rey-McIntyre (Valour School)

Honourable Mention: “Simple mechanisms around us” by Michael Kamaev (Centre Jeanne-Lajoie Pavillion Elementaire)



1st Place: “Mental Math Arcade (Game)” by Mark Wendland (Mackenzie Community School)

2nd Place: “Robotic Reorganizing” by Joey MacKinnon (Rockwood Elementary School)

3rd Place: “Bouncing Bots” by Anastacia Ziegler (Highview Elementary School)



1st Place: “Using AI to Recognize Intoxication” by Logan Lynde (Valour School)



1st Place: “Aiding in the early detection of neurological diseases by collecting breathing patterns.” by Kimia Taherion (Bishop Smith Catholic High School)


Health Sciences Divisional Awards:

Sponsor: SRB Technologies, Inc.


Grades 5 and 6:

1st Place: “How Fast Does Your Brain Work?” by Bronwyn Popke (Our Lady of Lourdes School)

2nd Place: “The Paw Law” by Penelope Ziegler (Highview Elementary School)

3rd Place: “How much sugar is in pop and juice?” by Kaia Hanlon and Claire Priebe (St. Mary’s School)

Honourable Mention: “Vaping / Smoking at MCS” by Sarah Snider and Ally Hogue (Mackenzie Community School)



1st Place: “70% Isopropyl Alcohol” by Maggie Alexander (Valour School)

2nd Place: “Are You Left Brained or Right Brained?” by Hayley Howat (Pine View Elementary School)

3rd Place: “Does colour affect taste?” by Ellinor Gjare (Valour School)

Honourable Mention: “Electrolytes – the good, the bad and the ugly” by Stella Ziegler (Highview Elementary School)



1st Place: “The Stroop Effect” by Michelle Tippeneskum (Valour School)


Life Sciences Divisional Awards:

Sponsor: The City of Pembroke


Grades 5 and 6:

1st Place: “The Fastest Way to Grow Marigolds” by Arcadia Corrigan (Highview Elementary School)

2nd Place: “The Spectacular Sprout” by Lieve Neggers and Hillary Hoszowski (St. Mary’s School)

3rd Place: “How Cats Land on Their Feet” by Julianna Secker (Home School)

Honourable Mention: “pH test of drinking water” by Charlie Levoy (Pine View Elementary School)



1st Place: “What’s the best sports drink?” by Sarah Chang (Centre Jeanne-Lajoie Pavillion Elementaire)

2nd Place: “DNA Extraction” by Jessica Dinelle and Eloise Boire (Pine View Elementary School)

3rd Place: “Mold 102” by Norah Lynde and Zaina Ali (Valour School)

Honourable Mention: “H2Onions” by Natalia Baschuk (St. Mary’s School)



1st Place: “Same Recipe 4 Results” by Bronwynn Dick (Opeongo High School)

2nd Place: “Music to the Brain” by Lucy Secker (Home School)


Physical & Mathematical Sciences Divisional Awards:

Sponsor: Ontario Power Generation

Presenter: Amanda Griener


Grades 5 and 6:


1st Place: “Making Waves: The Relationship Between Drag and Streamlining in Water” by Maeve Yaraskavitch (Our Lady of Lourdes School)

2nd Place: “Best Shot” by Griffin Auld (Highview Elementary School)

3rd Place: “Finding the Best Golf Ball: Does Cost Matter?” by Cameron Howat (Pine View Elementary School)

Honourable Mention: “Delicious Data” by Scarlett Aqiqi (Valour School)




1st Place: “Spring Into Action: The Mathematical Relation of a Spring’s Length and Force” by Sonia Ahmad and Alice Yang (Highview Elementary School)

2nd Place: “Brine Lines” by Abigail Baker (Valour School)

3rd Place: “Can you bend light?” by Leah Howatson (Valour School)

Honourable Mention: “How do solar eclipse glasses work?” by Isaac Lebel (Mackenzie Community School)


Ontario Power Generation – Best Energy Project

Best project related to energy production, energy efficiency or other energy- or electricity-related topics.

Sponsor: Ontario Power Generation

Presenter: Amanda Griener


“Making An Electrical Paper Telegraph” by Sam Ha and Carson Rey-McIntyre (Valour School)

“What Material Makes the Best Light Bulb Filament?” by Joshua Alexander (Valour School)

“Spring Into Action: The Mathematical Relation of a Spring’s Length and Force” by Sonia Ahmad and Alice Yang (Highview Elementary School)


Petawawa Legion Award

Awarded to the project that best improves the lives or livelihood of veterans.

Sponsor: Petawawa Legion


“How Fast Does Your Brain Work?” by Bronwyn Popke (Our Lady of Lourdes School)

“Aiding in the early detection of neurological diseases by collecting breathing patterns.”by “Kimia Taherion” (Bishop Smith Catholic High School)

“Using AI to Recognize Intoxication” by Logan Lynde (Valour School)

“Real or not can we smell the difference Testing artificial smells from real ones” by Olivia McWhirter (Highview Elementary School)


Canadian Nuclear Society Award

Best project associated with nuclear energy, nuclear research, atomic physics, etc.

Sponsor: Canadian Nuclear Society, Chalk River Branch

Presenter: Ruxandra Dranga, CNS Chalk River Branch


“Simple mechanisms around us” by Michael Kamaev (Centre Jeanne-Lajoie Pavillion Elementaire)

“The Dance of Electrons to Make Things Go” by Anna Phillion (Mackenzie Community School)

“Robotic Reorganizing” by Joey MacKinnon (Rockwood Public School)


CNL Budding Young Scientist Award

Awarded to the best project by students who are attending their first regional science fair.

Sponsor: Canadian Nuclear Laboratories

Presenter: Rosaura Ham-Su, Head of Director, Reactor Fleet Sustainability, Canadian Nuclear Laboratories


“Slime” by Kenzie Delano and Bianca Rocca


Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologists (OACETT) Award

Best example of a project that aligns with OACETT disciplines of Engineering

Sponsor: Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologists (OACETT) 


“Using AI to Recognize Intoxication” by Logan Lynde (Valour School)

“Mental Math Arcade (Game)” by Mark Wendland (Mackenzie Community School)

“Robotic Reorganizing”  by Joey MacKinnon (Rockwood Elementary School)


RCRSF Judges Choice Award


Awarded at the discretion of the head judge and their judging team.

Sponsor: Renfrew County Regional Science Fair

Presenter: Ruxandra Dranga, RCRSF Head Judge


“How much sugar is in pop and juice?” by Kaia Hanlon and Claire Priebe (St. Mary’s School)

“Delicious Data” by Scarlett Aqiqi (Valour School)

“H2Onions” by Natalia Baschuk (St. Mary’s School)


CNL Environmental Innovation Award

Best innovation that benefits the environment.

Sponsor: Canadian Nuclear Laboratories

Presenter: Rosaura Ham-Su, Head of Director, Reactor Fleet Sustainability, Canadian Nuclear Laboratories


“Making my own bio-based plastics: Which is the strongest?” by Callie Dennis (Highview Elementary School)

“Frost Weathering” by Lindsay Harrison (Valour School)

“Green Sipping” by Elizabeth Johnson (Home School)


Best Grade 5 or 6 Project

Sponsor: Renfrew County District School Board

Presenter: Jenny Smith, Superintendent, Renfrew County District School Board


“Frost Weathering” by Lindsay Harrison (Valour School)

“How Fast Does Your Brain Work?” by Bronwyn Popke (Our Lady of Lourdes School)


Canada Wide Science Fair Grand Prize

Awarded to the best projects in Grade 7 or higher. Includes a fully paid trip to the Canada Wide Science Fair in Ottawa  from May 25 to June 1!

Sponsor: Canadian Nuclear Laboratories

Presenter: Rosaura Ham-Su, Head of Director, Reactor Fleet Sustainability, Canadian Nuclear Laboratories


“Making my own bio-based plastics: Which is the strongest?” by Callie Dennis (Highview Elementary School)

“Mental Math Arcade (Game)” by Mark Wendland (Mackenzie Community School)

“70% Isopropyl Alcohol” by Maggie Alexander (Valour School)

“Aiding in the early detection of neurological diseases by collecting breathing patterns.” by Kimia Taherion (Bishop Smith Catholic High School)