Typical judging establishes an absolute score ranging from 10-100. A reasonable score for a young student is likely well below that for a senior student. There is no passing grade established. One can use these scores to order the exhibits for judging purposes. These scores may perhaps contribute to a grade assigned for class work but that is not the primary purpose. At the regional level, scores are not shared with the students and this is a practice that is also recommended at the school level.
Rubrics are guidelines, not rules. A pre-fair judging seminar should be held with judges to establish the standards based on the rubric so all judges apply the same expectations. The science fair rubric for the Regina Regional Science Fair is included for download below. This rubric, like most regional fair rubrics, is similar to that used at the National fair. An individual rubric can be established for any local science fair to reflect the curriculum expectations. This may include science curriculum objectives but can also include objectives from Language Arts, Mathematics, Technology, and Social Studies.
Regina Regional Science Fair Rubric, Judging Criteria
Regina Regional Science Fair Rubric, Judging Score Sheet